2026 FUN Convention Educational Exhibits

Whether you're a "new" exhibitor, an "old pro," or anywhere in between, the 2026 FUN convention is the place for your exhibit! Our 71st Annual convention will be held January 8 - 11, 2026, at the Orange Count Convention Center, 9400 Universal Dr, Orlando, FL 32819

Submission Guidelines

We are currently in the process of accepting applications for this year's event. Please use the links below to view the rules and apply:


A photo of exhibit chairman Bob Russel Please note that if you are planning to submit the form by mail, fill out two copies of the application, retaining one copy for your files, and mailing the other to the address provided below:
Allow one week for delivery due to the holiday mail crunch. This is a firm deadline, so plan early.

Online users should receive a copy of their application in their provided email address. If you do not receive a copy and would like one, please contact the FUN Exhibit Chairman.


Best of Show Award! Awards for first, second and third place will be given for each competitive class. The Chief Judge has the authority to limit the awards in any competitive class where exhibits are deemed to be of insufficient merit. An exhibitor must earn an average of at least 70 points to be awarded first, second, or third place. Please see Rating Sheet for Judges. First place award winners in any of the classes of Group A and C will be eligible for consideration for the Heritage Auctions Best of Show Award.

The Best of Show winner will receive a one week scholarship to the American Numismatic Association Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This scholarship will include coach airfare, tuition, and room and board. This award may not be received by the same person more than once every three years. The recipient must write an article for "FUN-Topics" describing their experience. All exhibitors, including those in non-competitive Group B, will receive an award in recognition of their participation. The actual prizes to be awarded are determined by the FUN Board of Directors and are related to their exhibit classification.

Attention is called to the rule requiring that the exhibit must be set up or removed by the designated exhibitor. This rule will be strictly enforced, as well as the early removal rule.

See you at FUN 2025!


Bob Russell