Code of Ethics
As a member of Florida United Numismatists, Inc.:
- I agree to support and be governed by the STATE CHARTER and the BY-LAWS of the INCORPORATION, and such rules, policies, and regulations as may be in force from time to time.
- I agree to conduct myself so as to bring no reproach or discredit to the INCORPORATION, or impair the prestige of membership therein.
- I agree to base all of my dealings on the highest plane of justice, fairness and morality.
- I agree to neither buy nor sell numismatic items of which the ownership is questionable.
- I agree to conform to the accepted standards of dignified advertising.
- I agree to take immediate steps to correct any error I may make in any transaction.
- I agree not to sell, exhibit, produce, nor advertise counterfeit copies, restrikes, or reproductions of any numismatic items if their nature is not clearly indicated by the word "counterfeit," "copy," "restrike," or "reproduction" incused in the metal or printed on the paper thereof, with the exception of items generally accepted by numismatists and not in any way misrepresented as genuine.
- I agree to represent a numismatic item to be genuine only when, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is authentic.
- I agree to fulfill all contracts made by me, either orally or written, to make prompt payments upon delivery and to return immediately any items that are not satisfactory.
- I agree to give aid to members in their quest for numismatic knowledge.
- I agree most of all to put the welfare of FLORIDA UNITED NUMISMATISTS, INC. above any personal gain to myself. A breach of this Code of Ethics shall be cause for action by the Board of Directors